E Kala Mai :)

20190305_150850524_iOShey there! consider this a “warning! turn back!” sign unless you’re in my AP lang class. not sure how you stumbled onto this desolate, barren, and absolutely irrelevant corner of the internet, but i promise this will bore you – unless, that is, you’re looking for guidance on your own AP lang blogs.

“hale” is an ‘ōlelo hawaiian word that means house or home. it also starts with the same letter as my name, and sometimes, i think i’m clever. so, alliteration. “e kala mai” is another phrase in ‘ōlelo hawaiian; it means ‘welcome’, so welcome to my house!

have fun reading my blog posts and make sure you check out my social media links! 😉 and, as always, i’ll see you guys next time.


Blogs N’ Stuff

About the Author.


aloha e hoaloha! my name is hannah, and i shouldn’t be spending my time writing this bio. i should probably doing be obscene amount of history homework i have, but here we are. ah, such is life. i am a seventeen year old AP language student, and although i’ve liked every book we’ve read, i’m definitely not a huge fan of our in-class essays. or any essays, honestly. i have a pretty great teacher and a pretty cool class. we get off on lots of fun, random, and often off-topic tangents, but we always manage things done.

some random facts about me: i am from hawaii – i lived there for seven years. i am an attention seeker (as you can probably tell from this blog), and i’m a theatre kid. traveling is my number one favorite thing in the entire world, and if there was a career where you just traveled the world for fun, i would be heading in that direction. i have a youtube channel and i am loving making videos for the interwebs. i am a gigantic nerd, and some of my favorite things are marvel (spiderman and loki, especially), supernatural, doctor who, and lucifer (the tv show, not the entity).

if you’re from my AP lang class, please refrain from plagiarizing. blades is better than you, and she will hunt you down. you know it as well as i do. do your homework, kids. college is coming and it is coming fast.

have fun reading my blog posts and make sure you check out my social media links! 😉 and, as always, i’ll see you guys next time.

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